Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rocko's Modern Life R-E-C-Y-C-L-E

The Dumpster Divers just wanted to share this great animated video for kids on the importance of recycling and other environmental issues. It's a wonderful way to inform your children so they may become part of the solution. Remember... We are only given one Earth and it has to last for many generations to come! The Dumpster Divers is a dumpster rental company who cares about the environment and would like to reduce landfill waste. Please help us in this effort by sharing this with all your friends.

Thank you!
The Dumpster Divers "your eco-friendly trash team"

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dumpster rentals and environmental programs

The Dumpster Divers "your eco-friendly trash team" are now working with Floral Street School's Student Councel to continue their efforts in reducing landfill waste while raising money for the school! We are collecting empty juice pouches and snack bags (any brand) to turn in for cash that will go directly to Floral to pay for books, supplies or fun programs that have been cut due to the many recent budget cuts.

If you would like to support this effort, please save these items. Visit our website to contact us and learn more about this fabulous recycling program by clicking on our "GO GREEN" page. Or give us some other great ideas. We are always open to suggestions.